Moments in Motherhood 

The limited childhood photographs of myself as an infant and toddler have always pushed me to photograph more of my daughter.

My father died prior to my birth, and the only family that I know it my maternal one. 

The makeup of my own family has often pushed me to document them as much as possible to piece together my own identity and place in their world. 

I often reflect on how the experience my mother had raising me, is vastly different than my own experience in motherhood. I am privileged to have an experience of motherhood that has security, support, and time to soak in the in between moments of play, rest, and exhaustion of the constant care and labor that being a stay at home mother brings. 

And as I began to view my own childhood photographs, I often noticed the absence of my mother as she was away, or behind the camera. 

Isee the same throughout historical and contemporary family portraiture.Mothers are either taking the photographs, or choose not to be in the photographs themselves. 

Documenting our journey through self portraits gives me the space to create while constantly mothering. Remembering the fractions of time that I can find joy in not only the memories of my daughter, but our relationship together and my experiences raising a young child. 


Family (Ongoing)